Monday, October 11, 2010

4 Weeks Old

The Procurement Dept. hosted a post baby shower for us today so Caitlin got to meet all her Mommy's work friends.

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old

Caitlin Reese Arrives 9/10/10

Waiting for Baby Caitlin

She was due Oct. 7th. My water broke at 7:45 am on Sept. 9th, but I didn't know. After things just didn't feel right, I arrived at the Dr.'s office around 1:30 pm only to be told we were having a baby today. We didn't even have the car seat, but most importantly were just hoping for a healthy baby that would be able to come home with us. Awaiting her arrival with us was Madysen, my mom, sister, DeeDee, and GranBDad.

She's here and perfectly healthy!! Caitlin just decided it was time and she couldn't wait to meet her family.

Daddy holding his baby girl after a very long night.

Big Sister Madysen

Getting ready to go home, but first we needed to get hand and foot prints for the baby book. Can you tell, we do not like this?!

We don't much care for our first bath either.

Proud parents about to leave the hospital to do this on their own. Are you sure we can't have a late check out?